Data Structures

Hash Table Implementation using Separate Chaining in C++

The Separate Chaining method is the preferred choice for Hash Table implementation when the input data is dynamic. For instance, if the input data grows larger, an extended chain is created to accommodate it.

Also, see Hash Table Implementation using Linear Probing to use with the static or limited amount of data.

1. Hash Table Representation

An example Hash Table of size 8 is represented here. The sample hash() function returns the same index for the keys “Alice” and “Max”. As a result, an extended list is created in order to accommodate the new key-value pairs.

Hash Table Implementation using Separate Chaining
Hash Table Implementation using Separate Chaining
 * Hash Table Node
struct Node
	std::string key;
	int val;
	Node* next;

// Hash Table
Node** hash_table = new Node*[size];
// Hash Table Size
int size;

2. Implementation of Hash Table using Separate Chaining in C++

 * C++ example to demonstrate Hash Table implementation using Seperate Chaining

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

 * Hash Table Node
struct Node
	std::string key;
	int val;
	Node* next;

 * Hash Table implementation using Separate Chaining
class HashTable
    // Hash Table
    Node** hash_table;
    // Hash Table Size
    int size;

    // Constructor
    HashTable(int size);
    // Destructor
    // Insert the key-value pair
    // Return the node inserted, NULL otherwise.
    Node* insert(std::string key, int val);
    // Delete the element by key
    // Returns true on success, false otherwise.
    bool remove(std::string key);
    // Access the key-value pair
    // Returns the node associated with the key
    Node* get(std::string key);
    // Traverse and print the hash table
    void display(std::string msg);
    // Hash function to determine the index for every key
    int hash(std::string key, int size);

HashTable::HashTable(int sz) : size(sz)
    // Create the hash table for the given size 
    hash_table = new Node*[size];
    // Initialize the table entries to NULL
    for (int i=0; i < size; ++i) {
        hash_table[i] = NULL;

Node* HashTable::insert(std::string key, int val)
    // Step 1. Create the new node
    Node *new_node = new Node();
    new_node->key = key;
    new_node->val = val;

    // Step 2. Determine the hash index for the key
    int index = hash(key, size);
    // Step 3. Insert the node in the front side of chain
    new_node->next = hash_table[index];
    hash_table[index] = new_node;
    return new_node;

bool HashTable::remove(std::string key)
    // Step 1. Determine the hash index for the key
    int index = hash(key, size);
    // Step 2. Check if the key exists in the located index
    if (hash_table[index]-> == 0) {
        // Step 3. If true, remove the node found on the index
        // Set this node as target node
        Node* target = hash_table[index];
        // Replace the index with the next node if found. NULL otherwise.
        hash_table[index] = hash_table[index]->next;
        // Delete the target node and return.
        delete target;
        return true;
    // Step 4. Otherwise, search and remove the key in the chain.
    // Traverse the chain from start to end.
    for (Node* p = hash_table[index]; p->next != NULL; p = p->next) {
        if (p->next-> == 0) {
            // If the key exists, set the node as target
            Node* target = p->next;
            // Disconnect the node by directly linking its previous and next.
            p->next = p->next->next;
            // Delete the target node and return.
            delete target;
            return true;
    return false;

Node* HashTable::get(std::string key)
    // Step 1. Determine the hash index for the key
    int index = hash(key, size);
    // Step 2. Traverse the chain starting from the index node.
    for (Node* p = hash_table[index]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
        if (p-> == 0) {
            // Step 3. Return the node if the key matches any of the node. NULL otherwise.
            return p;
    return NULL;

void HashTable::display(std::string msg)
	cout << msg << endl;
	// Traverse the entire hash table
	for (int i=0; i < size; ++i) {
	    cout <<      "  +--------+--------+" << endl;
	    cout << i << " |";
	    Node* p = hash_table[i];
		if (p == NULL ) {
		    // NULL record, print empty
		    cout << " " << setw(6) << "" << " | " << setw(6) << "" << " |";
		} else {
		    // Print the record from the table
		    cout << " " << setw(6) << left << p->key << " | " << setw(6) << right << p->val << " |";
		    // Traverse and print the chain
		    for (p = p->next; p != NULL ; p = p->next) {
		      cout << " --> " << "[ " << p->key << " | " << p->val << " ]";
		cout << endl;
	cout << "  +--------+--------+" << endl << endl;

    for (int i=0; i < size; ++i) {
        Node* p = hash_table[i];
        if (p != NULL) {
            // Delete the chain if available
            Node* chain = p->next;
            while (chain != NULL) {
                Node* target = chain;
                chain = chain->next;
                delete target;
            // Delete the table record
            delete p;
            hash_table[i] = NULL;

int HashTable::hash(std::string key, int size)
    // A simple hash method to sum the ASCII values
    int hash = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < key.size(); ++i) {
        hash += key[i];
    return hash % size;
// The main function to begin the execution   
int main()
    // Create the hash table of size 8
    HashTable customers(8);
    // Insert key-value pairs
    customers.insert("Alice", 101);
    customers.insert("Bell", 102);
    customers.insert("Max", 103);
    customers.insert("Evin", 104);
    customers.insert("Ana", 105);
    customers.insert("Dave", 106);
    customers.insert("Leo", 107);
    customers.display("HASH TABLE after insertion of customers 'Alice', 'Bell', 'Max', 'Evin', 'Ana', 'Dave', and 'Leo'.");
    // Delete key-value pairs
    customers.display("HASH TABLE after deletion of customers 'Dave', 'Ana', and 'Max'.");
    // Access a key
    Node* bell = customers.get("Bell");
    cout << "Accessing key 'Bell' returned value: " << bell->val << endl;
HASH TABLE after insertion of customers 'Alice', 'Bell', 'Max', 'Evin', 'Ana', 'Dave', and 'Leo'.
0 | Leo    |    107 | --> [ Dave | 106 ] --> [ Ana | 105 ]
1 |        |        |
2 | Evin   |    104 |
3 |        |        |
4 |        |        |
5 |        |        |
6 | Max    |    103 | --> [ Alice | 101 ]
7 | Bell   |    102 |

HASH TABLE after deletion of customers 'Dave', 'Ana', and 'Max'.
0 | Leo    |    107 |
1 |        |        |
2 | Evin   |    104 |
3 |        |        |
4 |        |        |
5 |        |        |
6 | Alice  |    101 |
7 | Bell   |    102 |

Accessing key 'Bell' returned value: 102

3. Hash Table Operations

3.1. Insert Key-Value Pair into Hash Table

Firstly, determine the array index by the key and proceed with the insertion. If the index is already occupied, create an extended list to accommodate the new pairs. In addition, the new pairs can be inserted on the front side to perform the insertion in O(1) time.


  1. Create the new node.
  2. Determine the hash index for the key.
  3. Insert the new node in the front side of the chain


Insertion on Hash Table with Separate Chaining
Insertion on Hash Table with Separate Chaining
  • Insert the key “Alice” to index (6) as per the hash function.
  • Next, Insert the key “Bell” to index (7) as it has no conflicts.
  • The hash function returns the duplicate index (6) for the key “Max”. But, the index is already occupied to store the key “Alice”. So, we need to create an extended chain to accommodate multiple keys in the same index.

3.2. Delete Key-Value Pair from Hash Table

Firstly, determine the array index by the key, and search for the key in the particular index. Secondly, look up the key in the extended chain. If the key exists, delete the key-value pair and rearrange the chain if required.


  1. Determine the hash index for the key
  2. Check if the key exists in the located index
  3. If true, remove the node found on the index
    • Set this node as the target node
    • Replace the index with the next node if found. NULL otherwise.
    • Delete the target node and return.
  4. Otherwise, search and remove the key in the chain.
    • Traverse the chain from start to end.
    • If the key exists, set the node as the target
    • Disconnect the node by directly linking its previous and next.
    • Delete the target node and return.


Deletion on Hash Table with Separate Chaining
Deletion on Hash Table with Separate Chaining
  • The key “Bell” is available at index (7) from our previous insertions. Remove the key-value pair since the key “Bell” is directly located on the array.
  • Next, the key “Max” is available at the index (6). But, it has an extended chain to the key “Alice”. So, we need to remove “Max” and replace it with the next item.
  • Finally, remove the key “Alice” which is directly available at the index (6).

3.3. Access a Key in the Hash Table

Firstly, determine the array index by the key. Then search for the key from the index and the extended chain as well. Return if the key exists, null otherwise.


  1. Determine the hash index for the key
  2. Traverse the chain starting from the index node
  3. Return the node if the key matches any of the nodes, NULL otherwise.


Access Data from Hash Table with Separate Chaining
Access Data from Hash Table with Separate Chaining
  • Accessing the key “Alice” locates the index (6) using the hash function. However, the index does not contain the key “Alice”. So we continue to search the extended chain and found “Alice”.
  • Whereas, accessing the key “Ana” is straightforward and we find the match on the located index (0).

4. References

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